
Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association Conference 2020

Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association Conference 2020


By |30 1 月, 2021|Categories: Poster|在〈Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association Conference 2020〉中留言功能已關閉

Training Course of Smart Handwriting Analysis and Recognition Platform (SHARP)

Training Course of Smart Handwriting Analysis and Recognition Platform (SHARP)


Smart Handwriting Analysis and Recognition Platform(SHARP)是一個以線上雲端為基礎的評估系統,用作分析小學生 的中文書寫能力,職業治療師可快速地篩檢出具書寫困難的學生,並清楚瞭解學生書寫問題的根源及因應學生的問題設計治療的方案。

By |15 12 月, 2020|Categories: Poster|在〈Training Course of Smart Handwriting Analysis and Recognition Platform (SHARP)〉中留言功能已關閉

2nd Macau Sports & Healthy Life Expo

2nd Macau Sports & Healthy Life Expo


By |15 11 月, 2020|Categories: Poster|在〈2nd Macau Sports & Healthy Life Expo〉中留言功能已關閉

Sharing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy at Activity of Macao New Chinese Youth Association

Sharing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy at Activity of Macao New Chinese Youth Association


By |7 10 月, 2020|Categories: Poster|在〈Sharing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy at Activity of Macao New Chinese Youth Association〉中留言功能已關閉

Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety at Macanese Association

Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety at Macanese Association


By |11 7 月, 2020|Categories: Poster|在〈Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety at Macanese Association〉中留言功能已關閉